Monday, October 29, 2012

Christians and Politics

We live in exciting, yet challenging times. Our presidential election is 8 short days away. I trust that each of us will seriously consider the privilege we have in America to vote. The challenge of politics, I find, is in not placing too much hope in the outcome of any given election. I know personally who I want to win. Yet, I fear that his victory will be only a slight detour to the direction in which we are headed as a nation. One of the challenges we Christians face is balancing the present political landscape with our overall Kingdom responsibility. Could I commend to you two resources that have been especially clarifying and helpful to me?

The first is a sermon by Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church on the theology of Politics. This is, in my humble opinion, an excellent biblical approach to governments and political movements.

The second is an editorial by Marvin Olasky in World magazine.

My prayer is that these resources will aid us in looking to, and beyond, the next election. May we all learn what it means to be salt and light in our changing world, and to be passionate Kingdom citizens.

Pastor Eric

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