Monday, July 16, 2012

Sermon Review Questions: from the Sermon on the Mount "Where We Pursue" – 7/15/12

 Questions taken from Matthew 6:31-34:

1. Why do we worry about what we eat, drink, and wear? Why should this not characterize believers? 

2. What does the Father know, and how does that give us comfort? (from vs. 32)

3. What is the kingdom of God? How do you seek it?

4. Discuss the "kingdom of God" and "his righteousness" - why was it important to include a pursuit of "his righteousness"? (see Romans 1:16-17, 3:21-26)

5.What is your response to this passage of scripture that will allow you to be more like Christ in this next week?


You can find the audio file for the sermon here:

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