Monday, June 18, 2012

Sermon Followup Matthew 6:19-21 - June 17th, 2012

1.    Discuss the word treasure:
            a.    What temporal treasures do the world pursue?
            b.    Temporal treasures do Christians sometimes pursue?

2.    How do these temporal treasures decay, are destroyed, and are stolen? (Matt. 6:19)
            a.    See also Prov. 23:5, Job 1:21, I Tim. 6:9-10, 17

3.    Discuss this statement – “As humans, it’s a part of our nature to ‘treasure up’ treasure”

4.    What is heavenly treasure? (Psalm 16:11, I Timothy 6:17-19, I Peter 1:4-5)

5.    What should our attitude be towards heavenly treasure? (II Cor 4:7, Psalm 73:25, Phil 3:8)

6.    How can our view on treasure be a great witness to the unsaved world?

Personal Application:

7.    Where is your treasure? If it is on the temporal things of earth, how can you start desiring and “treasuring up” treasure in heaven?

8.    What one thing can you do this next week to start this shift towards heavenly treasure?

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